Want a business where you don’t need to constantly chase clients to buy from you?

One that constantly generates leads and sales even if you are offline? 



(and especially when those sales tactics drain your joy) 


Sound good right?
Yep, I'm in.

If you want to create a business with sales and marketing  strategies that can generate consistent sales in your biz without you constantly convincing clients to buy... watch this.


To the coaches and service provider ready to generate consistent sales and leads online.

I see how hard you are working and I know it's because: 

You want to finally book that flight to Europe, but sales aren't happening.

You want to spend less time online and more time with your family, but you're constantly checking your phone and email to see if you made a sale.

You want every content post or story to resonate with your dream clients, not just hear "I can’t afford this.

You want to post for long-term success, creating content that continues to sell for you even three months from now while you're offline.

I want this.

But to achieve all of that you have a solid strategy and an easy content system.

The kind of system that will help you create a compelling marketing message, one that not only sells today but also over time.

An easy content system that will attract consistent clients into your world without  imploring them to buy from you. A content system that will free you from constantly thinking: “I need to post” or “I don't know what to post”.

Instead of a system that is overly complicated and constantly making you second-guess your work, I will show you the one that helps you create content in just 30 minutes a day and allows you to be offline for the rest of the time, because that content will consistently attract dream clients for you.



A message and content that will sell for you even when you take a month off from social media.

A strategy that will help you scale your business and reach your next income level without the constant hustle, and will make you feel secure enough to unplug and be offline for as long as you wish, instead of being dependent on social media and the latest algorithm trends.

 The Truth Is... 

You know your business is made for a big impact.

You know that your business has the potential to generate consistent sales and make 5/10, and even 50k a month so that you can make a big impact with your work. You know that you don't need to constantly DM people to make sales, you know you can have as many clients as you want at any price you have, and you are ready to make that happen!

 But right now, it feels that your content and message are not hitting the mark and you are constantly thinking about content and your business and scrolling your IG to see if someone did decide to buy and you end up not enjoying your weeks or a family dinner.

You spend countless hours editing your reels, creating the perfect Canva template, you also don’t know what to post and you end up posting randomly. You might also start a podcast, and your TikTok account, and still, the sales aren't happening and you are exhausted but it simply doesn’t pay off the hard work you are pouring in daily.

And the good news is we can change that.

Let me introduce you to...

An 8 week program  for coaches and service providers to create  compelling marketing messages and content that not only sells today but also over time.


This is where you'll learn how  to constantly SELL and attract dream clients  without  endless sales calls or spamming DMs while living your life offline.  


And the sooner you start, the more consistent your sales and online results will be.

Join Now!

And this is why I created this program 

I know exactly how you feel because I've been there. I added extra work to my plate to make more sales, sent 100 DMs a day, and tried to convince people to buy from me with endless sales calls and DM conversations. I ended up burning out and becoming bitter and uninspired in my business. That's when I realized I needed to change things and approach my marketing and sales differently. I worked on the energetics to feel safe receiving sales even when I'm offline, trusting that my content and message were enough to sell.


For five years, I spent countless hours testing my message and content, learning to find a better solution to run my business online. I no longer need to constantly DM people or follow trends dictated by algorithms. Instead, I've learned to create content that empowers my ideal clients to take action without needing constant persuasion. I've crafted a message that attracts premium customers ready to pay high-ticket prices to solve their problems and achieve their desired lives. 

Sign Me Up!

The crucial work I did involved getting crystal clear on three things:

A must-have offer positioned in the market as something people want, not just a nice-to-have.

Creating a unique and converting message spread across all my platforms that continually attracts dream clients.

A simple content system designed to sell not just today, but also three months from now, without needing constant creation.

I need this

After being obsessed with marketing message , content and offer creation for over 5 years now I have helped my clients to do the same and create a sales and marketing strategy that is not only sustainable and easy to do but that does help them sell while not being constantly online.

Like Mark, he had 3 inquiries about his 1:1 coaching while taking a month off from social media after completing Marketing Message Mastery: no joke!

Here’s the 3 step framework we use in our business and with our clients to do exactly that:

We will activate your most magnetic energy, teaching you to be completely detached from your business results. This means you'll be able to be offline and still attract sales, leads, and dream clients without feeling the constant need to be online.

We'll craft messaging that converts highly and consistently attracts premium clients ready to invest in your business.

You’ll also be receiving personalized feedback on your marketing and content inside our private facebook group!

Finally You will build a powerful storefront with content designed to sell today and three months from now, so you don’t waste energy and hours creating content just to please the algorithm. Here is where your marketing effort will start to pay off by attracting consistent sales and leads in your business. 

This is For ME!

Plus you will have...

Access to a monthly Q&A with me in a dedicated Facebook Group to ask me anything about the program and have my expert eyes on your marketing message to ensure you sell out and double up your sales online.


And the best part? You'll have lifetime access to the course, allowing you to revisit the modules and see even faster results. The material in these modules is invaluable, and it's the result of my $100,000 investment.


For a limited time only, get access to an exclusive 4 week Mastermind where we will create together 30 high converting piece of content that constantly attract dream clients in your dm! 

During the 4 weeks, have access to 4 bonus Zoom calls with Sara to accelerate your business growth and enjoy selling your offer whilst you start planning your trip to Europe! 

** The Mastermind is limited to 10 people only ** 

The Investment

Flexible Plan

3 monthly payments of


Total: $2997


Best Value Plan

One time payment of




Extended Payment Plan

6 months payments of


Total: $2997


How the program is delivered:


You'll gain immediate access to the facebook group and the first module so that you can begin to see the first transformation. 

You have as a bonus one Q&A per month so that you can ask questions and have my eyes on your marketing message to make sure you make sales.


Modules will be released one at a time every two weeks. This way, you won't get overwhelmed, and you'll have enough time to absorb the module and see quick results. This part can't be changed, but it's designed to make things easier for you.

Here’s what we’ll cover: 4 modules released over 8 weeks

Module 1: Mastering Energetics to be Sell-Out

In this module, I'll guide you in transforming your energy to ensure you always sell from a place of magnetic attraction. You'll learn how to draw in clients effortlessly and have them reach out to you. We'll clear any limiting beliefs around sales and boost your marketing confidence because, trust me, you're a game-changer! Discover the exact steps and framework I use with my clients to shift their energy and mindset, enabling them to consistently and confidently step into the spotlight.

Module 2: Crafting Irresistible Magnetic Messaging

In this module, we'll overhaul your marketing messages to make sure they do the selling for you. Say goodbye to the daily grind of chasing clients or sending tons of messages. Your marketing message will become your secret sales weapon. You'll learn my copy framework to completely transform your marketing message and witness an instant sales boost. I'll also reveal how to infuse energy into your message, positioning you as an industry authority and commanding higher pay.

Module 3: Building a Sizzling Hot Audience

Selling becomes a breeze when your audience is primed and ready to buy. In this module, I'll show you how to cultivate a hot audience that eagerly awaits your offerings every time you promote something. Imagine receiving a payment notification after posting one story – that's the power of a hot audience. I'll teach you the buyer's journey, guiding you on how to shift them from cold prospects to enthusiastic buyers every time you launch or sell, ensuring you consistently make money.

Module 4: Crafting Conversion-Centric Content

Finally, we'll delve into creating content that converts – and it's not about going viral. I'll introduce you to my magnetic content framework, designed to move people into action, engage with your content, and ultimately make purchases. From mastering storytelling to getting incredibly specific, I'll show you precisely how to craft content that converts. This is all about create every piece of content that constantly bring sales in your business no matter where you are and what you do. In this module you will have access to some done for you content template to blow up your sales.

These modules are released gradually so you can absorb the material without feeling overwhelmed. By the end of 8 weeks, you'll be fully fired up and ready to be booked out.

I'm Ready for This!

Our clients results from joining MMM!

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Meet Your Team!

Sara Fiordi,

Business & Marketing Coach | Speaker and founder of the Entrepreneur Female  Academy

I am the visionary behind the Entrepreneur Female Academy, dedicated to empowering driven women in business to overcome overwhelm and achieve financial success. I guide women to activate their confidence, attract more clients, and ultimately make more money.

As a passionate speaker, my mission is to bring freedom, confidence, and success to women in business worldwide. Having personally experienced the challenges of starting a business from scratch, I understand the journey firsthand. That's why I created the Entrepreneur Female Academy—a supportive community where women can connect, share their challenges and achievements, and build their own path to success.

My first focus is on boosting your confidence because when you feel truly confident, you can effectively market yourself. With my expertise in online marketing, scalable business models, and high-ticket strategies, I can teach you how to exude confidence in every aspect of your business. Together, we will harness the power of marketing to amplify your reach and increase your profits, creating a business model that scales to six figures and beyond.

Mikealy Vitale,

Coaching Support & Academy Assistant 

Meet Mikealy (Kealy) Vitale, our Coaching Support & Academy Assistant.

She is a qualified Life Coach and the founder of Kealy J Coaching, bringing a wealth of expertise to our team.

Kealy will host your hot seat coaching calls and is well training and passionate about supporting you on your business growth journey. She is also committed to answering community inquiries, to ensure that you always feel supported.

As an essential asset, Mikealy assists Sara with technical and design aspects, ensuring the smooth operation of our automation.

 Mikealy's qualifications and skills as a coach enable her to offer you outstanding support throughout your journey with us.


Let's Do It!