Unlock the Power of


to scale to your first 5 figure month!  

Revamp your marketing message and experience the excitement of effortless sales without relying on your Instagram to go viral. Watch as your offers becoming fully booked and in high demand, all while you sip a coffee in your favourite café!



Join Sara Fiordi for two power-packed online training sessions. 

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Having a MAGNETIC MARKETING is Your Solution for Consistent Sales and Being Fully Booked with Your Offers.

And that approach varies for everyone. Whether it's achieving a fully booked 1:1 service, launching your first group program, or securing your first sale, we've got you covered. When you master the art of MAGNETIC MARKETING, achieving these goals becomes second nature.

No more relying on outdated business coaching advice and struggling with the latest Instagram trends. Sales can be as easy as a leisurely stroll in the park when you have a magnetic marketing message that does the selling for you.

You don't need to be constantly on Instagram, create multiple offers, have 10k followers, or message 100 people per day to have consistent and repeatable sales.  

You need a marketing message that sells for you so you can wake up in the morning with payments in your inbox.

Easy and consistent sales flow occurs when you are energetically aligned, when you know what you are selling, and when you have a magnetic marketing message that keeps attracting your dream clients.

Sign me up!

 Over these two empowering sessions, I'll reveal the core steps that helped my clients go from $2k per month to $50k a month in just 4 months, all without changing their offers, Instagram feed, or gaining new followers.

 Let’s transform your business

and blow up your sales! 

Having MAGNETIC MARKETING isn't just about making your business easier; it's about creating the ideal life you eagerly spring out of bed for, all while maintaining a consistent influx of sales.


Sign up now for this FREE TRAINING and I’ll show you how!